There is a world only reserved for some people walking in the streets. They are not ordinary people since they are often alienated because of how they look and behave. Their tattered clothes sometimes cover their greasy bodies, their faces smeared with dust and grime. They often sit on sidewalks, or sometimes walk naked, and they have nowhere else to go. They might stop in a garbage bin, diving on hodgepodge of rotting food and wet plastics and cartons, so they can find something to eat. They sometimes sit down at public parks, talking animatedly to an imaginary friend, as if in a fierce argument over some important life's issues; one can understand what they say, but remains meaningless stream of words and phrases. Most of us judge them as "psychotics" without any notion of their stories; once in their lives they were good fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, and friends. Yet, they went beyond their sanity point, where the thresholds of their emotional and mental pains exploded as they enter the world they created as their own.
We avoid them at all cost, since we fear that the soul they bear mirrors our own.
There is always a taong grasa within us. We reserve our exclusive world where no one can enter. We feel indifferent and aloof, the same way we think the world of the sane does to us. We feel paranoid of how people judge the way we look and behave. We wear clothes to make others like us, while our inner selves are tattered with judgments of our ugliness. We stop over the garbages of this life that distract us: from making money, to gaining power and fame, to collecting things, to pleasing people and ourselves, all for the sake of surviving, for satisfying our hungry souls. We argue with people, blame them for their inadequacies, not knowing that what we say against others are all truths about ourselves; we are in an imaginary power play with God who we think has the only control on our lives, yet wondering why he or she doesn't reward us but continue to punish us. We find ourselves lunatics, without seeing first the light of our true selves; that as we blind ourselves in facing our shadows, we forget to see the infinite light within us.

Love is the wisdom of fools, yet the wisest knowledge their hearts ever learned.
Our eagerness to transcend our foolishness might still sound foolishness, nonetheless. But its the sheer transcendence from fear to Love that we begin to see ourselves saner, rising above this foolish world. The process transforms us, as if we reserve our world revolving in Love. We are extraordinary people because we look and behave in a way of how Love manifest from our inside out. We wear clothes of honesty, sometimes tattered by the world's prying eyes, yet remain lovely and beautiful. We no more mind of how we appear, because we are no more identified by how the world judges us. We stop over the garbages of this life, and see them as blessings that we can bury, so they can enrich the soil from where the garden of Love can flourish. We now speak to all beings, seen and unseen, and beckon the presence of Love within all of us; we trust that even we might sound gibberish, the Love's message resonates to the hearts of every being, no matter how many of them refuse to understand. We now see beyond the myths of our projected selves woven from others' judgments we are made to believe. We are now unique beings, from where Love freely expresses itself. And we now widen our thresholds into boundless distances, the only breadth where Love can be contained.
itz ok to be called " a fool" at least ive lived my life to the foolest! hurray!
You bet! Let us be "fool" with Love.
Great reading yourr post
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