When your intention is to transfer loving energy there is no way you can fail...because in the subtle realms intention is action.
--Leonard Laskow, Healing with Love
We often believe that Love is an abstract concept born out of pleasant emotions. Emotions, being untouchable, are energies which we think validate the existence of Love. Because both Love and emotions are characteristically abstract, we often show it through symbols and myths.We have tried throughout centuries how to crystallize the truth of Love. Despite all efforts to grasp its true meaning, Love mysteriously fails us. Here comes our restless search. In my own inquiring, Love has become not an emotional evidence, but an awakening of truth in the innermost of my being.
Of all truths of Love, the crux is that Loving oneself is the only endeavor one can achieve. This is not about providing oneself of all material and emotional luxury, which are all coming from outside sources. Love is never outside; it is always inside. The discovery of Love within is the very source of true Love. To begin, we must acknowledge that as a being of Love we are our own inexhaustible source of Love. There is a sun that never sets and brightly shines within us. It would be very difficult to acknowledge it at first, because we always have tons of judgments against ourselves. We must cut through the clouds of our own judgments, fears and paranoia. They come to our awareness but they will never last. We must stop judging ourselves, from our gross assumptions of oneself and others, down to the littlest detail of our day to day existence. When judgment ends, Love begins.
This very process of Loving oneself is always parallel in how we Love others. As we stop judging ourselves, we simultaneously cease judging others. As we see ourselves as beings of Love, others begin to become the same. Even perhaps in the grossest situations when we find people unloving, we remain at peace as we understand that each being is in search of the true meaning of Love. Realizing this, we are no more searching for the source of Love from somebody else, especially from someone we think is special to us. What Moore describes as a soulful relationship commences, which is certainly the process of rising in Love.
Rising in Love happens when we no longer siphon the energy of another, but starts to send that energy we used to steal. We have this steadfast awareness of the immense energy of Love within, the Love that cannot run out. Its abundance allows us to have the joy of giving, and in turn allows Love to transform itself into something we can perceive, may it be emotional,

By giving Love means we accept ourselves the Love that we are, without any definitions of social roles and material possessions. We let go of power struggles since we affirm that Love is a commitment to the freedom of our partners and loved ones. As life moves up and down, we remain trusting, and we continue to Love and to become Love. We simply detach from any expectations, outcomes and assumptions that box in our true nature. Our hearts freely share this unending Love, where we now fully experience that we are one with all beings, and we are always one with that soulful partner we want to be with.
(to be continued)
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