Monday, April 20, 2009

Pathfinder's the Journey Within

The following articles are my original entries written 2 weeks before the Communes were born.


I would like to invite everyone to start a journey. A journey that has been taking place for thousands of years. A journey that takes neither time nor distance. A journey within.

We are all Pathfinders.

The Path
Finding the Path is the first step to start the journey. The Path is nowhere to be found outside. It is not a certain geography, nor it has a physical map.

Yet the Path has been charted in many ways, by many sages through many languages befitting their insightful understanding. It has led a trail for many people to follow. Followers of the Path have been helped, healed and found deeper meaning in their lives.

For ancient Pathfinders, the
y had found the Path. But their journey and my journey, or your journey are not the same. Nevertheless, the Path in which the Pathfinders had begun their journeys is the same Path for which we seek to find. For centuries, people have begun journeys, but failed to find the Path. Finding the Path, therefore, is the process where we must begin.

What is the Path?

We begin to ask the most fundamental question: What is the Path?

It is as basic as asking the question "Who am I?" It is a question
that had been asked centuries ago by different kinds of people across the world. A puzzling question that seems to be unanswerable.

Answering the question "What is the Path?" is the same as how a Pathfinder will answer the question "Who am I?" Behind these two questions lies only a crystal-clear answer. A clear answer that has been clouded by the judgments of millions of questioning mind. The answer has been there all the time, yet it has become a disappointing blind spot. Many thought that the answer can be found from the outside reality
, from the truth that the 5 senses can perceive. But these perceived truths are only surface layer that amassed and covered the light of the answer. It is time to unearth the answer.

The Search for Meaning

The Path is the search for the True Meaning.

We see the course of our lives through endless lists of meanings. Whatever we see outside, we put meaning. Whatever our thoughts processed, we give meaning. Whatever we feel, we attach meaning.

But the meanings we used to connect with our experiences are not the True Meaning. These meanings have led as astray, and still we cannot find the True Meaning. We put names on these meanings that we have forgotten the True Meaning we are destined to seek. We see and speak about meanings we found to be true and fought over these meanings against the rest. Even if we win over wars on meaning, we still have discontent on the meanings we have found. Thus, the feeling of meaningless and unworthy existence comes into being. We feel meaningless, and forget finding the True Meaning.

Discovering oneself as a Pathfinder leads us to remember why we exist: We are here to find the Path and reclaim the memory of the True Meaning.

The True Meaning
True Meaning is beyond any words. It is undefined, unfathomable. It is intangible, immaterial. Yet it can be experienced and nurtured.

True Meaning is often mistaken as something felt or thought. Yes, in one way, It can be, sometimes a thought, sometimes a feeling
. Before, we can also see it neither or both. As a Pathfinder, we have found True Meaning not just as a thought, for it often becomes a judgment; nor as a feeling, for it often becomes a sentiment. Rather, True Meaning is the crystallization of our conscious choice: our conscious choice to Love.

We begin to tread the Path when we clearly understand the True Meaning, because we consciously choose to Love.

Our Choices
We might sa
y that everything we choose may lead us to one good or bad result. Something we are thankful or regretful. If we choose something good, we see favorable things, and think they are rewards. If we choose something bad, we see unfavorable things, and think they are punishment. And we see that whatever results come, we don't have any choice at all.

Choices are as infinite as the number of galaxies and stars. Choices lead us to some degree of Possibilities. Choices have
different situations, connections and manifestations. We are making Choices every time, and they might be conscious or unconscious. The moment we make choices is the very moment when we fulfill them. Often, Choices result to another which we refuse to choose. We may find them right or wrong Choices, yet there is one thing inherent in every Choice we choose to make. We have to bring back the awareness that every time we choose, there is always an immense chance compelling us to choose Love.

Love is the Pathfinder's Choice
Being a Pathfinder, we are no more choosing unconsciously about so many things. Choices might seem to b
e overwhelming because of their immensity, which confuses us, but now we know only 2 things to choose: to choose Love or not.

When we choose unconsciously, it is difficult to choose and make a right Choice. Because we think that whatever we
choose can possibly be a wrong Choice. At the end, we often never choose Love. It might look like we don't choose Love, but the truth is Love is the only Choice left. Not choosing Love consciously or unconsciously are doorways that still leading us to make the right Choice, though it might take time to find the fruits of our Choice.

In finding the Path, we step onto
the journey of consciously choosing; consciously choosing Love. A Pathfinder chooses Love. Love transforms everything we choose.

The Pathfinder

Who is a Pathfinder?

A Pathfinder has no definition. A Pathfinder is a Pathfinder. A Pathfinder's purpose is to find the Path. I am a Pathfinder. You are a Pathfinder. We are all Pathfinders. We might forget our true purpose, but every thing we choose somehow leads us back to it. The Path has been there before us, no matter where we go, no matter what we choose. Because the Path that calls us for a journey is the Path that we truly are.

The Path of Love

Finding the Path is finding the Path of Love.

The Path, the P
athfinder, and Love all have the same nature. There are no boundaries among them. This is the truth we all Pathfinders must see. But it is quite a challenge. Because, since our first existence, we have begun seeing limitations and boundaries.

What are these limitations and boundaries? These are the illusions we set before us, the darkness that we think we see. Therefore, we thought we cannot see the Path. And if we cannot see the Path, we cannot choose Love. If we cannot choose Love, then the choices we make are against it, thereby we are led astray. Though we thought this way, the truth is otherwise. The Path is always there, and the only choice we have is Love.

The Pathfinder and the Path are one.


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