I was trying to visualize an election without using any automation technology or trashy paraphernalia. In a sense, it would be highly impossible, since our electoral systems run only through technology, be it manual or digital counting. But how about an election without all of these messy counting that are often subjected to inevitable fraud, an election that only uses intentions of light? Would this be possible?
Consider the Intention Experiment led by Lynne McTaggart. These are series of experiments that demonstrate the power of intention and how it influences external subjects like plants and microorganisms. In 2007, one of their pioneering projects was launched, called the Leaf Intention Experiment. Experimenters instructed participants around the globe to visualize the leaves of a geranium plant glowing with light. Through punctured holes on the leaf surface, light emissions were measured. Leaves were photographed using a highly sophisticated camera. Results showed statistically significant increase in light emissions of leaves intended with light. This experiment, along with others, is resonant to the nonlocal effect of intentions. It means that wherever we are in the world, our deepest intentions are effective, regardless of distance and time. This experiment also reminds me of many cases of how prayer works, discussed by Larry Dossey in his book Healing Words.
What are the implications of these experiments in this coming elections? Perhaps in a utopic way of thinking, our future might develop some kind of technology that will increase the extensions of intentions, particularly of Light. If possible, in a highly sophisticated electoral system, we are about to choose candidates by the virtue of our intentions, translated through light emissions accurately recorded and counted! (in Mctaggart's experiments, light or biophoton emissions were captured, analyzed and counted one by one. This means that results can still be counted.) Stretching our imagination on this kind of light intention-based election, candidates would sit down on a dark chamber (so there would be no chance to manipulate "light"), while people vote in precincts by casting their intentions on pictures of candidates of their choice. No need to write or mark any ballot. Intention is enough to do the job.
Doubts may still linger. What if there are flying voters, or manipulation of results, assuming that some candidates who voraciously desire to win would come up with their battalion of "light intenders" to increase their chance of winning? This is, in theory, possible. On the other hand, what if light cannot be cast with maleficent intentions? If the candidate tries to do this, results will be compromised. So it appears that the intention-based system will create innumerable problems in fulfilling a desire of fair and clean elections.
Stop. There is something wrong in this picture.
Even if this intention technology is available, it will still not be viable to serve the current status quo. Our society continues to starve for external power, and that is why elections are fertile ground for fraud and violence. My high school history teacher laments on this: "As long as the world is ruled by man, there will be no perfect government." Our highest ideals on true democracy and governance will continue to be tainted by greed, anger and ignorance, all in pursuit of ruling power over people. Unless each individual claims and asserts his or her own responsibility and integrity, there will be an endless litany of blames toward the so-called leaders of nation and their corrupted bureaucracies. Unless leaders, politicians, and bureaucrats transform their self-centered agenda into selfless service to humanity, there will still be perpetuation of abusive power that tyrannize weak people who continue to search for external solutions.
"Voting is not just about selection of who is fitted to run any government. It is about an empowered choice, of choosing beyond platforms and sweet promises."
There is a need for overhauling the system but not to change any external technology, like the ones done in electoral systems. Intention-based technology is true and effective, but to use it for external objectives like elections won't allow it to work. Intentions are inside jobs, inner soulwork that requires full awareness and intuitive discernment. This internal technology, as what Gregg Braden calls it, is highly effective if each and everyone of us awakens to the reality that whatever change we desire starts from within. That is, our inner consciousness in the essence of Love is the bedrock foundation that empowers our choices and decisions. When we create intentions of goodwill and harmony, Love begins to manifest in our actions. In this way, we influence each other's knowing and capacity in pursuit of extending our hands in initiating external transformations. We are now voting, in a literal and symbolic sense, for the process of change, not for any candidates who promise change and break them. We can now begin to create intentions of light and make others "glow". We are literally the light of the world, we just exert our abilities in casting the light of our Soul. We can intend change by refusing to hate, blame and criticize, yet doing our contributions in our own unique ways. This is voting in the most ideal level, by doing what is needed to be done. We are filling ourselves with the feelings of Love while stopping corruption, conserving our environment, upholding freedom and dignity, saving lives from poverty and hunger or innovating efficient systems and technology. This feeling of Love is not a fleeting feeling of euphoria, but the deepest desire of understanding and serving the needs of others, which charges each action with compassion and joy.
Voting is not just about selection of who is fitted to run any government. It is about an empowered choice, of choosing beyond platforms and sweet promises. And an empowered choice is always a powerful intention, of casting the light of Love to the hearts of people.
The vision of PATHFINDERS' COMMUNE(Latin: to be one with) is to bring back the awareness of Oneness through sharing, understanding, and experiencing our true human nature: LOVE. We are Communing, thus we are Loving.
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