For most of us, to see God as a woman is quite unimaginable, for we have long accepted that God is only a man, a father, who oversees us with power and control. Our history has galvanized the image of God as a man, whose power is beyond measure, and whose authority knows no boundaries. This is the God we have believed who fathered every one of us, and provided the life that we possess. But, today, the face of God is changing. In this new era of awakening, humanity is restoring the balance of how we see God. We are now embracing that God is not just a father, but a mother who gave birth to us all.
We are now invited to see God in a different way. There is no need to replace God as man with God as a woman. To see the powerful qualities of God in union with the nurturing qualities of the Goddess, we can now understand how significant this insight is in our lives. While we can find the kingdom of God within, together with all its greatness and strength, we can also take refuge with the sanctuary of the Goddess.
The Goddess within is not a substitute to the image of God. To recognize the Goddess is to reconcile with God's great Loving capacity. To find the Goddess within is to see that God can cherish us like a mother, or more so, a mother himself. The Goddess is the face of God in the time of conception and growth of Life. This Goddess is our inner humanity, our wonder and miracle, our potential to create. Regardless of gender, this is more to rediscover the psyche, what Carl Jung calls the anima. To honor the anima, our feminine psyche, which is just another way of calling the Goddess, is to do the same with God, our masculine psyche, our animus. To say that there is a Goddess within cannot dishonor God, for God is but the completion of being a man and a woman, not just in terms of sexuality, but in the light of Truth of the Soul. God is the union of all opposites that are always in harmony with each other. God and the Goddess are but two distinct being of Oneness. They are both within us. They cannot be separated. Christ said, "The two become one." In this union of the God and the Goddess, the being of Love is born.
We are romancing not just the idea of this union, but its potential to enrich our lives. God is no more a mere concept of a separate, superior being. God is always one with us, and He is within us. He transforms in many ways, and becomes the ultimate transformation of the Soul, manifesting in our Loving actions and thoughts. He is the God that becomes the Goddess through colorful possibilities. He can conceive our Soul, give birth to our goodness, and can nurse our hungry hearts. And He cannot anymore be labeled as He, for the pronouns that separates God and the Goddess no longer labels whoever is man or woman. Love becomes their main gender, and they are in One within our Soul. Our God calculates, organizes and focuses on the physical aspects of how Love is express. Our Goddess endows, sustains, emancipates the soulful, subtle energies of how Love purely exists. Whenever we share Love to others, God provides us tangible ways to do it, such as a physical gesture, or a material blessing. And Goddess imparts Her sheer, pristine divine power of caring and compassion. This very dynamic is happening within us, and we become both the God and the Goddess in our own right. For their awakening reveals the balance of Love within us, and the wholeness of Love invokes our Soul to be whole again.
The vision of PATHFINDERS' COMMUNE(Latin: to be one with) is to bring back the awareness of Oneness through sharing, understanding, and experiencing our true human nature: LOVE. We are Communing, thus we are Loving.
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