Before November 15, 2008, a series of experiences had taken place for me to come to my senses that there is a moving force behind my growing personal understanding of Love. I had seen events wherein intentions of Loving-kindness transformed people's lives, as simple as sending blessings to their enemies and getting answers to their prayers. I had talked to people, and seen them how they have renewed their sense of being since then. Love and Loving-kindness (or in Pali, we say metta) have become our buzzwords. These words have been charged with the energy of Loving consciousness, a set of mantras that define our lives. Those events have led me in deciding to bring and send the message of Love. It was my greatest decision that has brought me utmost joys. November 15th marked the remarkable beginning of sharing and expanding the consciousness of Love.
Last Sunday, a year has passed. I am very happy to see how changes have moved many of my friends and acquaintances through this endeavor that has brought us to insights and inner transformations. Looking back parallels to looking forward. Seeing the nostalgia of the past year, I am now envisioning promising years ahead. There is now a momentum, a force that moves this consciousness to spread into the social mainstream. It's about time to bring change, to share the wisdom of Love. I am more compelled this time with words from A Course in Miracles: "Teach only Love, for that is what you are."
It's about time to teach Love.
As a human being, I am still wrecked with fears. I remember those two weeks before I started the Communes. I questioned myself: "Am I capable of teaching Love?" I felt down, learning that becoming real and genuine teacher means I need more time to earn my worth through worldly credentials. Perhaps to deserve something as precious as teaching Love requires purity of being, which I thought I won't be able to have. But, contemplating on self-defeating thoughts brought me clarity: judging myself is not Loving myself. This insight showed me that my human frailties, my remorseful past, my seeming weakness are all but licenses for me to share Love. I have seen myself as an epitome of suffering, and like Christ, I am always capable of resurrecting to a new life. My outer weaknesses have become reminders of my inner strengths. Seeing myself in a different light led me to see the purity of Love within me. Through this, just a shift of thought from judging to nonjudging, I am capable of creating enough energy of Love that has the magnitude to move the world.
As I always share the wisdom of Love, I have acknowledged that it is the same as living Love out. Likewise, when I live and share Love, I am all the more teaching it. There is no need for any proof. I have been living my life filled with gratitude, joy and peace. I am rich of the unseen and seen treasures that overwhelm my heart. I am a soul expanding in many direction and embraces all people in this infinite breadth of Love. This tremendous Love that fulfills me is always enough. And I am thankful that the Communes are small vessels I use from where the Love I share overflows.

There are more exciting years to come. I have met with two of my Commune friends, to whom I have shared this vision. I am yet to meet the rest, and begin the mission of spreading the message of Love. This first year is not just a celebration, but a beginning of a new path for the journey of many pathfinders. This is a journey of bringing the light of Love to humanity and to the world.
Let's continue to Commune.
Amen! Let's go for it! =)
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