My wish is far more different than what I have wished every time this day comes. I become more certain that this is the right wish. This wish is both ordinary and extraordinary. Ordinary, for it is but a simple desire of something tangible and physical. It's a wish that brings great pleasure to the person who wishes it. It becomes a gift of blessing, and a present of joy, wrapped in lovely surprise. This wish will remind the wisher that there's always a miracle possible in every wish. Whatever we wish both will make any wish come true.

This wish is extraordinary, for it brings peace of mind to the wisher. It's the wish that ignites the heart of the wisher, and illuminates the wisher's wisdom. Once wished, this wish calls the Universe to conspire for its fulfillment. Once fulfilled, this wish calls wonder to inspire the wisher's heartfelt success. The truth that this wish conceived empowers the wisher, to allow him to become the wisher for many others' wishes.
My wish is always simple, yet can be more infinite than imagined. This wish is a wish of simplicity, as simple as how the heart desires for something immediately needed, like money or basic necessity. Or something like a little change in the wisher's life situation that can offer a dramatic impact. It can be a wish that fills the wisher's spirit of adventure, or that opens door to golden opportunities. It is simple, because it doesn't need to be elaborate, as long as mine and the wisher's heart are in harmony of deep prayer, bringing this wish to reality.
This wish is infinite and complex, because it is part of an endless chain of wishes in the long timeless chain of wisher's life. The wisher chooses his/her life to lead him/her, and those choices are actually wishes with full consciousness. Every time the wisher makes his/her mind, the wish becomes not anymore an invisible seed, but a growing shoot in the ground of God's consciousness. The once unseen wish is beginning to become visible. The wish is, like any other fulfilled wish, is not anymore a wish, but a reality. And it doesn't stop there. This fulfilled wish now provides the seeds of infinite wishes, all intended from the heart of Life. My wish nurtures another wish, which in turn nurtures the revelation of truth. So this inner truth can be finally found within the wisher's soul.
My wish today is for every wish to be fulfilled. I wish that my family experience good life. I wish for each of my friend's growth, may it be in their careers, in their relationships, and in their inner pursuits. I wish for every person that has come into my life to reach their potentials, to enjoy happy lives, and to become who they truly are. I wish healing for the sick of the world, peace for every war-torn hearts, joy for deep-seated sorrows, freedom for anyone who are enslaved by their problems. I wish that every question be answered, so every soul can begin their journeys to the rough terrains inward. I wish that whatever wish fulfilled is a wish that brings not just pleasure of the senses, but the magic of the spirit waiting to astound.
Today is Friday - the day of Venus. Since this is the day of the Goddess of Love, I am happy that this day has come. I wish that today every wish be filled with Love and fulfilled in Love. My one wish embraces all wishes of all people who have become my wishmasters, whose presence in my life become wish fulfilled. My one wish is Love, a Love that never fails to make their wishes come true. And with all my heart, may Love become the truth of every wisher's heart.
Today, as my life is born again, I declare that this wish is now fulfilled.
Yes! So my wishes will definitely be granted! ^_^ I will count on that. ;-)
Kidding aside, that's a wonderful wish. And, actually, when you make wishes for others, all the more will your wishes come true. But I think you already know that.
Happy birthday, kapatid! =)
Salamat, kapatid!
Antyhing you wish, the Universe will conspire to grant it for you
Tashi delek!
I like this >> "This wish is a wish of simplicity"
Very nice post! No wonder, you won in the contest :)
Annie! Salamat! The simplest wish is the wish of Love.
I wish you the blessings of Love always!
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