What is the nature of Love? It is proven that Love last forever, and can be felt as emotions, yet why do emotions never last? Why is Love beautiful and yet we still see the ugliest of things? It is said to be sacred but what makes us see it less? Why can we not accept that everything we see is Love, even if some are horribly unacceptable? What makes these paradoxes true, and see them to lie to us every time?
While some people tell that we are all Love, why do we need to Love others? Why do we need to give Love if Love is present in each of us? Why is it when we try to give Love, it does not comes back to us the way we wanted to? Why in the world Love brings so much pain and bliss at the same time? We have heard people who teach Love that Love itself is not painful, yet why people are beset with pain? While they teach that we have to know Love, why is Love difficult to know? Why do they call it a mystery, if it is something that is right before our eyes? What is the use of mystery, if answers are really always there?
How can all of us learn Love? Each of us want affection and attention from others, yet why do we need to give these things that we ourselves are really in need of? Isn't it difficult to give something that we ourselves are seeking for? How is it possible, when the more we can give Love, the more we can receive? But what is the purpose of Loving others, if the Love within them is complete? Do they still need Love if they are truly filled with it?
And if we are Love in the real sense, why are we not aware that we are? What makes Love powerless to let us know that we are powerful? Why does Love allow us to question its nature, if its very nature is unquestionable? Why does Love appear absurd to our reasoning mind? Why does it keep us perplexed of its truth? Why does it perplex us, and becomes the clearest thought we can understand? How can we understand something that renders itself unintelligible? What makes it so strong to shatter our logic, which has taught us the world we knew? What makes us so weak not to understand Love, when the irony is that the Love that weakens us is the same Love that can make us strong?
Why does Love destroy our small minds, then it makes us realize that they are bigger than we think? Why does Love make things contrary to what they seem, and make them appear unreal? If Love could be simple, why is it too complex? Others speak about Love, yet why is it unspeakable? Why is Love both possible and impossible? What makes us humanly imperfect, but as Love we are perfect? Why do we need to learn Love if Love is supposed to be unlearned? Why do we need to remember it, if the truth is nothing is forgotten by Love? Why can Love not remember everything, if Love itself is remembering? Or is it us that we forget Love? Why, as Love, can we forget things that all this time we remember?
When is the right time to understand Love? Why do we need to spend centuries for us humans to learn our lessons of Love? If Love is compassionate, why does it need to sacrifice lives in order for us to honor life? We are told that Love is now, and we should Love from now on, yet what were those days in the past? Weren't they the "nows" that those people should have acknowledged? Was a particular time in our human history a perfect timing to understand Love? Or is it the time today that comes to our awareness? If Love is really timeless, why do we need to spend time to express our Love? And why is it that this world needs time to live when Love does not have it at all?
Love is within in, they say, yet why is it hard to find? Why is that our narrow dimensions of reality cannot contain what is Love within? What makes Love vast inside of our limited bodies? What makes us limited to contain the Love that is unlimited? Or to be someone that is limitless? And why do we need to experience this boundless Love through our thoughts and emotions when Love is neither of them? Why could we not exist immaterially, if this formless Love exists that way? Why do we need this physicality to let Love be real? Why is Love both real or unreal in the material and immaterial? Why do all physical things we see come from Love even if Love cannot create anything other than what we wanted to create? And if we are creators ourselves through Love, why can our hands destroy, if these hands are Love themselves?
Why do we need to ask these questions if there is no need to find answers, since Love has them since time has begun?
Nice comeback after the restlessness. =)
I believe that sometimes asking the right questions are more important than having the answers. ;-)
The earnestness and honesty of the questions you are asking remind me of the energy behind similar questions my brothers and I asked just last weekend.
Though we haven't come up with answers to satisfy us, we all agreed intuitively on one conclusion - that once we fully remember we ARE Love and BE that Love, all these questions fall away naturally - they do not matter anymore. A new wisdom and understanding will take their place. While the mind may not be satisfied, the soul will know. But paradoxically, this earnest questioning is one of the paths to that remembering. ;-)
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